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Tanya for Sunday, 25 Iyyar, 5784 - June 2, 2024

As Divided for a Leap Year

Tanya for 25 Iyar

24 Iyyar, 5784 - June 1, 202426 Iyyar, 5784 - June 3, 2024

In a truly similar manner, figuratively speaking, does the blessed Ein Sof fill all worlds so as to animate them.

[There is a marked similarity between the soul pervading the body and Ein Sof permeating all the worlds:

Just as in the analogy, the soul is found within and suffuses the entire body, in a parallel manner Ein Sof fills and is found in all worlds].

And in each world there are creatures without limit or end, myriads upon myriads of various grades of angels and souls, and so on, and so, too, is the abundance of the worlds without end or limit, one higher than the other, and so on.

[In the realm of the spirit separate and distinct entities are the result of their being on different spiritual grades and levels. Thus, a multitude of worlds implies a multitude of varying levels of spirituality. Hence the sheer numerousness of worlds and created beings: each differs from the other in its spiritual gradation.

Earlier on, when explaining his analogy, the Alter Rebbe pointed out that despite the vast differences that exist between one bodily ogran and the other, the soul's essence is equally to be found in them all.

He now goes on to explain that in the analogue of the Ein Sof as well, the essence of the Ein Sof is found in a hidden manner equally within all worlds].

Now, the core and essence of the blessed Ein Sof is the same in the higher and lower worlds, as in the example of the soul mentioned above, [wherein the Alter Rebbe explained that the soul's core and essence is not divisible, and thus it cannot be said of it that it is found in the brain to a greater extent than it is found in the feet].

And as it is written in the Tikkunim that "He is hidden from all the hidden."

This means to say, that even in the higher, hidden worlds He is hidden and concealed within them, just as He is hidden and concealed in the lower worlds.

[Thus, the intent of the Tikkunei Zohar is not that G-d is more concealed than are all other hidden things, but that He is concealed even from the hidden worlds.

The reason for this being], for no thought can apprehend Him at all, even in the higher worlds.

[Because G-d is equally concealed from all worlds, no distinction can be made between higher and lower; He defies the comprehension of the higher worlds to the same degree that He cannot be apprehended in the lower worlds].

And he is found, [i.e., with regard to where G-d is to be found]: just as He is found there - [in the higher worlds] - so is He to be found in the very lowest worlds.

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