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Tanya for Thursday, 29 Iyyar, 5784 - June 6, 2024

As Divided for a Leap Year

Tanya for 29 Iyar

28 Iyyar, 5784 - June 5, 20241 Sivan, 5784 - June 7, 2024

But as for the Shechinah itself, namely, the origin and core of the manifestation whereby the blessed Ein Sof illumines the Worlds in a revealed form and which is the source of all streams of vitality in the Worlds, ( [4] their entire vitality being no more than the light which is diffused from it like the light radiated from the sun).

[Concerning the Shechinah itself, the source of all vitality for the worlds], the worlds cannot endure or receive the light of this Shechinah, that it might actually dwell and enclothe itself in them, without a "garment" to screen and conceal its light from them, so that they may not become entirely nullified and lose their identity within their source, just as the light of the sun is nullified in its source, namely, in the sun itself - where this light cannot be seen, but only the integral mass of the sun itself.

[So, too, since the Shechinah is the source of vitality of the whole of creation, all of which receives but a ray of the Shechinah, then if the Shechinah itself - the actual source - would be manifest, all created beings would be nullified in that source.

Their situation would be exactly similar to the sun's rays as they are found within the orb of the sun, where they are completely nullified.

In order for the Shechinah to dwell within the Worlds and their creatures, there must therefore be a "garment" which serves to conceal its light. Only then can creation receive the Shechinah and not be nullified out of existence.



  1. (Back to text) Parentheses are in the original text.

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