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Rambam - Sefer HaMitzvos As Divided for The Daily Learning Schedule Negative Mitzvot 125, 123, 128, 126, 127, 121, 122 |
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Introduction to Mitzvot 121-128:
The Pascal Sacrifice
One beautiful, sunny spring day, Heshy was coasting down the hill on his brand new bicycle. As he watched the cars speed by, he began to think about cars and how complicated they seemed to be."It was easy buying this bike," Heshy said to himself. "Daddy took me to the store, we selected the bicycle and paid for it."
Heshy also remembered getting a registration number for his bicycle which he then attached to the seat. That had been simple, too!
"A car, is different" he mused. "You have to take lessons, get a permit, take a test, get your license, registration, plates and insurance!
The car, itself, has so many parts that have to be running perfectly. Then you have to know how to read road signs, watch out for traffic and study the street maps."
A car was more complicated, but, still, Heshy had to admit that a car got you where you wanted to go much faster then a bicycle; it protected the driver and passengers better than a bike did; and it could hold more people than a bicycle could.
"Well," decided Heshy. "I guess the more a vehicle can do, the more complicated and detailed it has to be."
HaShem gave us many Mitzvot that enable us to travel on the road of Torah.
Each Mitzvah has its own way of bringing us closer to our goal of serving HaShem. One such Mitzvah is keeping Pesach and all its details.
Pesach, commemorates our Exodus from Egypt, when the Jewish people became a nation. It's no wonder that the Mitzvot which apply to Pesach contain so many details, rules and laws. These show us how much we can advance in serving G-d through the Mitzvot of Pesach.
The following Mitzvot refer to the Passover sacrifice (see also Positive Mitzvot 55-56) which we hope to be able to offer soon in the Third Beit HaMikdash, to be built speedily in our day.
Negative Mitzvah 125: We are forbidden to eat the Passover sacrifice raw, boiled or half-baked
Exodus 12:9 "Do not eat it raw nor boiled in water"The Passover sacrifice must be roasted over fire. We are not allowed to eat it raw or boiled in water.
Negative Mitzvah 123: We are forbidden to remove the Passover sacrifice from where it is eaten
Exodus 12:46 "You shall not take any of the meat outside, out of the house"The Passover sacrifice was eaten in groups.
Usually, family members gathered together in order to participate in this joyous ceremony. Even today, we invite our families and friends to join us at the Seder table on Pesach.
We are not allowed to take any of the sacrifice's meat out of the place where the group has gathered to eat it.
Negative Mitzvah 128: A Jew who has gone astray is prohibited from eating the Passover sacrifice
Exodus 12:43 "No stranger shall eat of it"A Jewish person who goes astray from the Torah and turns to idol-worship is not allowed to eat the Passover sacrifice.
Negative Mitzvah 126: A gentile and hired servants may not eat the Passover sacrifice
Exodus 12:45 "A foreigner and a hired servant shall not eat it"All non-Jews, even one who is allowed to live in Eretz Yisrael, (known as a "Ger Toshav"), may not eat from the Passover sacrifice.
Negative Mitzvah 127: An uncircumcised male is prohibited from eating the Passover sacrifice
Exodus 12:48 "For no uncircumcised person shall eat of it"An uncircumcised male, any male that did not have a "Brit Milah" is forbidden to eat the Passover sacrifice.
Negative Mitzvah 121: We are forbidden to break any of the bones of the Passover sacrifice
Exodus 12:46 "Neither shall you break a bone of it"We must be careful not to break any of the bones of the Passover sacrifice.
Negative Mitzvah 122: We are forbidden to break any of the bones of the Second Passover sacrifice
Numbers 9:12 Neither shall you break a bone of it"This Negative Mitzvah refers to the Second Passover sacrifice.
Almost all the laws that apply to the first Passover sacrifice apply here, as well. We are cautioned not to break any of the bones of this sacrifice.
We all have limitations -- after all, are we not of flesh and blood? There comes a time, however, when you have to break out beyond those limits. You've got to do more than you can possibly do. The truth is, you not only have an animal soul, but a G-dly soul as well -- and G-dliness knows no limits.
From: Bringing Heaven Down to Earth by Tzvi Freeman - tzvif@aol.com
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